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Welcome! Feel free to grab a cup of tea and have a poke around.

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My longer form posts are in Musings and my shorter ones are in Notes.

Keep your eyes peeled because there are many easter eggs!

My most recent posts are:

  1. Note 16

    I’m stuck at home with a nasty cold, but at least I have some good blogs to read!

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  2. Note 15

    As the American government falls into dictatorship, I’m struck by the fact that most Americans already spend most of their waking hours under the boot of a tyrant: their boss at work.

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  3. Adding a Copy Code Button A screenshot of the code I use to add the Copy Code buttons to my blog. Scroll down to read the actual code later in the article.

    Improving accessibility, one feature at a time.

Original tea cup ascii art by Karl at ascii.co.uk.