🇵🇸 Donate eSIMs to Gaza 🇵🇸

Welcome! Feel free to grab a cup of tea and have a poke around.

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My longer form posts are in Musings and my shorter ones are in Notes.

Keep your eyes peeled because there are many easter eggs!

My most recent posts are:

  1. Note 20

    This is day three of my girlfriend acting as CVS’s secretary while trying to get her migraine perscriptions filled.

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    A screaming possum with the meme text "[Screaming begins]" below it
  2. Note 19

    Last night, Israel broke the ceasefire and bombed Gaza with no warning. At least 400 people have been killed.

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  3. On AI, Rabbit Holes, and Rubber Ducks A yellow rubber ducky.

    What do we lose when we use LLM coding tools?

Original tea cup ascii art by Karl at ascii.co.uk.