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Colophon Technical notes on how I make this site!

This website is, with one exception, entirely statically generated and served.

I write my musings, kleks, and notes in Markdown and use a very hacky set of Node JS scripts to turn them into HTML and to generate the relevant tag and index pages.

I use the wonderful utility pandoc to do the actual Markdown -> HTML conversion. Highly recommend it!

I cross-post my Notes to Mastodon; see POSSE for details on how I do that.

Below are a list of TODO items for this site.

I've posted these publically both for accountability reasons and as proof I can actually finish things sometimes! 😅


  • Post more stuff!
  • Rework tag index pages to show both musings and notes
  • Make tag index pages templatizable
  • Add "inReplyTo" links to notes


    • Add different code syntax highlighting theme for dark mode.
    • Change homepage to show both recent musings and recent notes.

  1. Add copy code buttons to all code snippets. See my post about it here.

  2. Allow updating media to Mastodon that's processed by their servers asynchronously. See their docs here.

  3. Added a cache for my pandoc-ed content, drastically speeding up my site generation!

    Performance went from seconds to practically instantaneous! :)

    Goku from Dragon Ball Z, with his fingers on his forehead, using the instant transmission technique.
  4. Add feature to allow for easy updating of a note

  5. Add an RSS feed for /notes

  6. Add Colophon Section

  7. POSSE /notes

  8. Light + Dark Settings Page

  9. Eat Easter Egg 🥚

  10. Redesign Homepage