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Welcome! Feel free to grab a cup of tea and have a poke around.

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My longer form posts are in Musings and my shorter ones are in Notes.

Projects is for things I've made, and Kleks is for things I've found!

Keep your eyes peeled because there are many easter eggs!

My most recent posts are:

  1. Storing Images on NFC Tags A very low resolution of the salt bae meme; i.e. a guy dramatically sprinkling salt over a steak.

    Experiments in writing and reading <500 byte images on NFC tags.

  2. POSSE A directed graph diagram, with a circle titled

    Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere

  3. NFC Sculptures A sculpey disc, with a sun etched into it. Inside the sun is the word Ragman.

    Digital whimsy in the physical world.

Original tea cup ascii art by Karl at ascii.co.uk.