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#media Notes

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    #media #culture

    I’m stuck at home with a nasty cold, but at least I have some good blogs to read!

    I’m reading josh.work’s notes about watching Frozen with his 3 year old daughter, and this bit stood out to me:

    “Elsa creates a sentient snow monster that tries, plausibly, to kill the other party. The whole movie could be her doing cool stuff for the entire town, as an inventor/creator/artist/advocate/engineer. Eden [the 3 year old] has me skip the snow monstor part. Also there’s a part where soldiers attack Elsa in her tower, we skip that part. Wild to make a kids movie and inject war into it.”

    I feel this so hard. So much of our culture, and thus our stories, glorifies violence and competition. I’m tired of those stories.

    I want the story where Elsa used her magic to make her sister smile and it was a good thing, and she goes on to make the whole town smile too.

    Let’s write more of those stories.

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